

Mary F. Cliff

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College May Change Freshmen Housing Lottery for Next Year

Students and administrators are discussing alternatives to the freshmen housing lottery which would help create more diversity in the residential

Following Harvard's Lead

It's taken three decades, but the rest of the Ivy League is finally ready to follow Harvard's move to the

Srange Preppies

T HE FILM ADAPTATION of John Irving's novel The Hotel New Hampshire starts off with all the promise of a

College May Ease Co-Masters' Job

In an effort to free the masters spouses from some of the burdens of entertaining, the University is considering a

College Disagrees With Survey on Academic Trends In the Houses

A study revealing a wide difference in the academic performance among residents of the 13 College Houses which was released

Vacation Meal Plan May Fold Unless More Students Sign-Up

The proposal plan for Food Services to offer meals over spring vacation may be scrapped unless about 100 student sign

Above the Language Barrier

G RIGORY KOZINTSEV'S 1971 screen version of King Lear is living, breathing evidence of the schoolroom adage that Shakespeare's plays

New Priority List to Insure Transfers On-Campus Housing

By the end of this semester, all of the transfer students who are currently for on-campus housing will have the

So Long, SoHo: South House Gets New Name, Large Gift

"SoHo. So there," the longtime motto of many Quad residents was laid to rest yesterday when South House was renamed

Hanging Out Up There

Hidden on the outskirts of the Radcliffe Quad, beyond the route of the shuttle bus, lie two squat concrete structures

The Game to win--then and now

"I'm the only Yalie in the Harvard football hall of fame." --Harvard professor Bradford A. Lee, who fumbled an onside

First Woman House Tackle Gridder Gets Athletic Department Approval

After tackling several athletic department objections, sophomore Alexandra L. Coulter has received the go-ahead to be the first woman undergraduate

Hanging Out There

Set back graciously from the street, the home of the Harvard Club of Boston is a stately white stone building

Broad Review of ART Nears an End

A new concentration in drama and a full-time liaison between the Faculty and the American Repertory Theatre (ART) are two

Red Book Sells Radical Wares

The walls are covered with red, black and yellow T-shirts reading "I hate the Capitalist system" and "Question Authority." Calendars
