

Charles W. Balley

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The Moviegoer

Kirk Douglas first appeared last fall in "Letter to Three Wives." In that film he played a pensive English teacher.

The Playgoer

When the HDC wheeled Monty. Woolley onto the stage last night, it ended a series of artistic experiments and popular

The Music Box

Don't look for a series of familiar tunes on the records of the new Band record album. They aren't there.

The Moviegoer

"The greatest love story ever filmed" is the modest encomium reserved by MGM for its latest romantic outburst. David Niven

"Tomorrow Is Manana"

With one-fifth of its 1948 budget and ballyhoo, the Pudding has kept up its postwar standards in presenting "Tomorrow is

On the Shelf

Major Advocate, whose face has been lifted nearly half a dozen times in the last three years, has finally undergone

Opera Unlimited

Sunday afternoon in the Opera House Boris Goldovsky will open the 1948 season of his New England Opera Company with

Lining Them Up

Crimson baseball forces had, until last Friday evening, spent the entire season firmly settled in the basement of Asa Bushnell's

Godin, Connolly Will Face Columbia, Army

Columbia's baseball team is nestling right beside the Crimson in the cellar of the Eastern League this morning. By nightfall,

Huskies Edge Baseball Varsity, 4-2

Ira Godin gave up two singles yesterday, struck out 12 Northeastern batters, and lost 4 to 2. His teammates, fielding

Baseball Team Edges Out Colby, 4-3

Lennie Lunder's cousin pitches for Colby. Yesterday afternoon he came in to relieve in the seventh inning with the bases

Crosby's Bat Clinches Varsity Catching Job

There are no pari-mutuel windows beneath the stands on Soldiers Field. This is a situation that might well be considered

Monro Named New Soccer Coach; Godin Starts Today Against Colby

If the waters recede from Soldiers Field this afternoon, the Varsity nine will play Colby at 4 o'clock. Ira Godin,

Suffolk Edges Varsity, 5-4, In Practice Diamond Game

Suffolk University should have been a dead pigeon for the Varsity baseball team. But a complete fielding collapse in the

Top Eastern Swimmers Compete in Pool Today

World and intercollegiate swimming records will go on the market in batches today and tomorrow at the Blockhouse when more
