

Steven C. Swett

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A soul-searching examination is now going on in Newell Boathouse, one in which the examines are the same as the

Princeton Crew Wins, Sets Compton Record

PRINCETON, May 19--In any other of the past 19 Compton Cup races the varsity crew would have set a cup

Varsity, JV Oarsmen Defeat MIT, BU As Freshman Heavies Win, 150's Lose

It was dusk Saturday afternoon when the varsity heavy coxswain Pete Milton called "Way Enough" and the Crimson oarsmen slumped


Three thousand miles away in Los Angeles the National Collegiate Athletic Association is holding its 50th annual convention. One of

UAC Elevates Soccer to Major Ranking, Will Review Wrestling, Cross Country

A monopoly of 17 year's standing was broken last night when the Undergraduate Athletic Council voted unanimously to elevate soccer

First Olympic Champion Quit School To Compete In Games

Athletes have come and gone from Soldiers Field, but perhaps none has spent so short a time, left so abruptly,

Penn, Navy Crews Race Varsity for Adams Cup

Somewhere in the hereafter a little man with a stack of statistics figures the odds on the number of consecutive

Yale's Calendar Confuses Schedules

Yale's academicians have picked an unfortunate time to revise their school calendar With Ivy athletic directors now impeting in New

Business School: New Era of Maturity

In 1919 President Lowell asked Wallace B. Donham--then a prominent Boston banker--to give up his financial career and come to

Faculty Group Reviews Weaknesses in Tutorial

Six areas in the tutorial program are under the scrutiny of a special Sub-committee on Educational Policy, it was learned

Faculty Group Reports On Behavioral Sciences

The University will further develop the behavioral sciences on a broad scale if recommendations of a 13-man Faculty Committee on

Crimson Line Faces Strong Brown Backfield

Brown, with the Ivy League's best offense, and the Crimson, with the League's strongest defense, meet at 1:30 p.m. this

Health School Inaugurates $500,000 Trachoma Study

The School of Public Health has undertaken a $500,000, five-year research program with the Arabian-American Oil Company to study possible

Princeton: Changing Underclass Years

In 1907 President Woodrow Wilson submitted to Princeton's Board of Trustees his famous Quadrangle plan which proposed the abolition of

Meat and Potatoes

A coatless Princeton freshman tried to explain why he didn't like eating in Commons. All the while he eyed the
