

William M. Simmons

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The Moviegoer

After every war, indeed after almost any period of high feeling, there is a time of reassessment. "The Desert Fox"

Gold Dust Twins of Legal Education Part Ways in Preparation for Bar

When the Yale Law School faculty voted to change its grading system last year no one batted an eye in

State Ober Bill Demanded

The Massachusetts Legislature's joint committee on Communism today told the state to outlaw all "subversive organizations and to make at

Brass Tacks

Last week's article discussed the problem of getting Universal Military Service and Training written into a new draft act and

Limited College Deferment, Draft at 18 Urged by Conant

WASHINGTON, March 8--President Conant today asked the House Armed Services Committee to change its version of the draft bill. Appearing

Defense Heads Favor UMS, Seek to Extend Service For Draftees

The Defense Department will soon ask Congress to pass a Universal Military Service Bill and to lengthen the period of

'Present Danger' Group Will Stand Behind UMS

The Committee on the Present Danger will support Universal Military Service before Congress in January, President Conant said yesterday. Members

Educators Propose Draft Deferment on Test Basis

At a special meeting yesterday afternoon in Washington, Major General Hershey's educational advisory committee decided to recommend that students be

Town-Gown War End Sees Harvard . . . . . . Cambridge Friends

Harvard has been Cambridge's guest for over three hundred years. During this period Cambridge has grown into a modern, industrial

Battle Over Student Draft Goes On

When Congress opens its next session it will have before it the president's bill on Universal Military Training as a

Bender Says Draft Law Bound to Hurt Colleges

No matter what plan for drafting students is finally put into effect, Dean Bender stated yesterday, colleges will suffer. While


Any method of getting economic cooperation between German's Ruhr and French industry, and at the same time effectively controlling German

Tufts Head Will Oppose Conant U.M.S. Proposal

Tufts President Leonard Carmichael, former chairman of the National Security Resources Board, will oppose President Conant's plan for Universal Military


When Congress begins its eighty-second session next January, the Republicans will nearly control the Senate, and will be a much

Conant, Educators Offer Universal Military Service as Draft Solution; Hershey Committee Modifies Plan

President Conant will back a Universal Military Service plan as a solution to the nation's long-run military man-power needs, it
