

Brenton WELLING Jr.

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On October 28, 1949 Father Leonard Feeney, Chaplain to St. Benedict Center, was dismissed from the Society of Jesus. That

Faculty Urged Feeney's Ouster, Says New Book

St. Benedict Center charged today that Harvard personnel encouraged Catholic officials to start action against Father Leonard Feeney, Center chaplain.


For 64 years the coming of spring has brought one of Boston's finest traditions, the Pops concerts. Tuesday night the


On Monday, WBMS, "The World's Most Beautiful Music Station," stopped playing "beautiful" music. It had made a four-year experiment of

The Eliot Chamber Players

The Eliot Chamber Players Friday night in the House Library presented an evening musicale that was surprisingly good. The room

Missa Solemnis

Any performance of Beethoven's Missa Solemnis done in Boston these day's can't help but be compared to Serge Koussevitzky's interpretation


During the 1947-48 season the Boston Symphony Orchestra lost $101,000. Last year it lost $139,000. And this year expectations are

Priest Calls Blanshard's Mind 'Definitely Biased'

Father George H. Dunne S.J. drew comparisons between his opponent, Paul Blanshard, author of "American Freedom and Catholic Power," and

Blanshard Faces Priest In Law Forum Tonight

Paul Blanshard author of the much discussed book, "American Freedom and Catholic Power" will debate on the topic, "Catholic Church

Wallach Drops Drive to Stop Fr. Feeney's G.I. Bill Funds

A law student's campaign to deprive Father Leonard Feeney of his G.I. Bill support ended last night. Richard W. Wallach


Danny Kaye, according to Howard Barnes in Sunday's Herald Tribune, is the first real comedian to reach the screen since

Public Debate Offer Refused By Fr. Feeney

The proposed debate between Father Leonard Feeney and Richard W. Wallach '49 1L on the question of whether or not

Adam's Rib

"Adam's Rib," as the title might indicate, has to do with whether or not there is a difference between men

Budapest String Quartet

The Budapest String Quartet played three entirely different types of quartets in Sanders Theater yesterday afternoon, and when the program


The Princeton and Harvard Glee Clubs met on the stage of Sanders Theater Friday night and almost the exact opposite
