

Janet A. Titus

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A Club of One's Own

O fficial College recognition can mean everything to fledgling student groups. Several organizations have long histories and established traditions which

"Model College" Leads Ivies in Applicants

With 5300 undergraduates, Brown is one of the smallest schools in the Ivy League, but the school nonetheless attracted a

Giving Up Harvard Squash for the Birds

After an 18-year career as Harvard's assistant director of athletics, Eric Cutler '40 has decided to hang up his coat

Students Protest Violence on Campus

More than 150 male and female students marched through Cambridge last night to protest violence against women on campus in

Classics to Visit Austria and Denmark

Harvard's globe-trotting Classics basketball team will venture anew into foreign lands when they journey to Austria and Denmark in the

Bio Department May Curtail Tutorials

Faculty officials may cut back Biology tutorials next year because they fear the courses use funds inefficiently, the department's head

Safety Precautions for Asbestos Taken at MCZ

Harvard is currently taking precautionary measures in its Museum of Comparitive Zoology to reduce hazards--including lung diseases and cancer--caused by
