

E. W. R.

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Sean O'Casey's "The Plough and the Stars," to be performed the rest of this week, concludes the engagement of the

The Crimson Bookshelf

"A T dinner Mr. Johnson eat several platefuls of Scotch broth with pease in them and was very fond of

The Crimson Moviegoer

"My Man Godfrey" is the apogee of madness, and it succeeds for one very good reason; Carole Lombard. As you

The Moviegoer

Winter sports run riot at the Fine Arts this week, restrained only by a tenuous plot and some inconsequential German

The Moviegoer

"Follow the Fleet" follows the flock of Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers dainties, which, in the past year, have delighted American lovers

The Crimson Moviegoer,

Charlie Chaplin is back, and he brings back with him the gay, mad tempo of the days when movies grinned

The Crimson Moviegoer

Stark Young's "So Red The Rose" contains the germ of a truly dramatic idea, and the sensitive adaptation by Sherwood

The Moviegoer

Moving picture producers are often unfortunate in the choice of titles. The Hollywood that changed "The Admirable Crichton" to "Male

Cinema -:-THE CRIMSON PLAYGOER -:- Drama

Now that it's done-now that Will Rogers has been gives his ideal role as last --it seems abased that it

The Crimson Playgoer

What should a woman do when her husband begins to desert her for a showgirl? There are many attempted solutions


Nancy Lorraine  Joan Blendell Kent  Adolphe Menjou Jerry Ford  Dick Powell Arline Dale  Mary Astor George Ellerbee  Guy Kibbee Will Edwin  Frank McHugh A Rubber Company

The Crimson Playgoer

Janet Gaynor, the fairy tale princess of the movies, is the star attraction of the week's show at the Metropolitan,


Those who like to sing, dance, and see pictures at the Metropolitan Theatre are offered this week Will Rogers in


The first night of "The Late Christopher Bean" at the Plymouth Theatre marked the return of Pauline Lord to the


"Golden Harvest," this week's feature at the Metropolitan, is a mild bit of adventure apparently inspired by the time-honored farm
