

Orofisola Fasehun

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Dining Halls Will Serve ‘Fair Trade’ Coffee

After surveying the student body’s thoughts on dining hall coffee, Harvard University Dining Services (HUDS) has decided to regularly serve

Assassins’ Stalk Quincy Residents

It’s Saturday afternoon and three Quincy House residents are relaxing in the House courtyard, playing wiffleball and relishing the last

Students Protest Abercrombie T-Shirts

About 100 people joined in a Harvard Square protest Saturday against a line of Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts that some

Hillel Aims To Raise Funds for Ambulance

Harvard Hillel kicked off a fundraising project yesterday to buy an ambulance for the Israeli National Emergency Services during its

College Dems Prepare for Primary with Barbecue

The Harvard College Democrats gathered at a barbecue Saturday afternoon to begin planning for next fall’s Democratic gubernatorial primary election.


W. Tennis Dealt First Ivy Loss

This past weekend’s Ivy League road trip brought mixed results for the Harvard women’s tennis team. Despite an impressive 6-1

Awareness Week Aims To Show Arab Culture

In an attempt to increase awareness of Arab culture, the Society of Arab Students (SAS) is running a series of

Tutor Claims Second Place on Jeopardy

Shasha Dobrow ’97, a resident tutor in Currier House, won a trip for two to Antigua on Jeopardy last night.

HMS Posts Surgery Instructions Online

Medical students all over the world will now be able to review surgical procedures online with the help of an

E-Mail To Replace Mail Slips

Increasingly crowded mailrooms filled with parcels yet to be picked up have spurred House superintendents to create what they hope

Tuition To Increase 4.9 Percent Next Year

Students will have to pay 4.9 percent more next year to attend Harvard College next year—the largest percentage increase since
