

Jason L. Lurie

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Winning UC Elections

Friends sometimes approach me and ask: “Jason, how do you do it?” I’m forced to pause; which of my many

By Other Means: The Ouster of Ian Nichols

On May 8, popularly-elected Undergraduate Council (UC) Vice President Ian W. Nichols ’06 resigned his office. Rumors and speculation have

Unfair to the Fairer Sex

The ritual of spring where certain elements complain about the paucity of women in the natural sciences at Harvard has,

Color Blind Students Association

Every year, I’m amused to see what new clubs have sprung up. There’s Freeze Magazine and the James Bond Film

Senior Gift Minus

So Senior Gift Plus actually worked. For the first time in 400 years, the Harvard Corporation bowed to student calls

Mars Ascendant

She’s smart and funny, beautiful and perceptive, sensitive yet hard-nosed. She’s my TV girlfriend, Veronica Mars, the protagonist of the

The Devil and Larry Summers

After hearing the recent discussion on campus and in the national and international media over Larry Summers’s recent remarks on

A Plague of Plagiarism

It’s not boils and the Charles River hasn’t turned to blood, but a different sort of plague—academic dishonesty—has fallen upon

Election Commission Does Not Need To Police Platforms

Mark Adomanis’s recent Dartboard (“ Why Stop at Posters? Dec. 3) unfairly chastises the Election Commission for regulating candidate postering

Money for First-Year Social Committee no laughing matter

The Crimson’s recent article (News, “Tickets to Dylan Concert Sell Out,” Nov. 1) may have treated my amendment to increase

Crimson Articles Unfair To Council Secretary

To the editors: I am writing to express my frustration with recent reporting on the Harvard Undergraduate Council. In several

Getting Quadded Is Not The Worst Thing That Can Happen

To the editors: The recent piece “On Lottery Eve, Rituals Reign” ( News, March 25 ) was devoted largely to

Postering Campaign Violates College Rules

To the editors: Now, I can’t say that I’ve taken down any of Harvard Right to Life’s (HRL) posters (

Faith in Rules

Harvard is well known for its commitment to diversity and non-discrimination; in the recent amicus curiae briefs filed by Harvard


No Money for Discrimination

Two weeks ago, the Undergraduate Council postponed legislation that would have granted money to a student group that engages in
