

Robert C. Pozen

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Building a Bridge Over the River

More than a river separates Harvard Law School (HLS) and Harvard Business School (HBS), so well-intentioned discussions about making them

Which McCarthy?

While Senator Eugene McCarthy and many others have continued their vociferous protests against the Vietnam War, conservatives in Congress have

Boston's Vocation

Vocational schools in Boston have reached a crisis. Less than fifteen hundred students graduate yearly, many in outdated jobs like

A Settlement House With a Difference

What comes into your mind when you think of a settlement or neighborhood house? Basketball games, museum trips, and some

Two Kinds of Ghetto Organizing

Last June, Roxbury had a riot. A group callel Mothers for Adequate Welfare (MAWS) staged a sit-in in Grove Hall,

Runcorn and Skelmersdale: Cities Designed for 1994

(The British New Towns movement, begun by the Labour Government after World War II, now includes some twenty-two cities in

British New Towns

Preplanned cities are big business for the English Government. Ten small towns are growing into old communities around London. Twelve

4 Off-Campus Students, Landlord Fight Against Housing Regulation

Four off-campus Harvard students and their landlord fought before the Cambridge Board of Appeals yesterday to keep their Greenough

Challenge Changes, But Flexibility Stays PBH Asks More of Its Teachers And Reaches for Underachievers

A 12-year-old cameraman corrals good-looking Cliffise as they walk by the Coop, persuades them to pose, and snaps their picture.

HUAC and Harvard

Last summer the House Un-American Activities Committee treated the public to a rare political extravaganza. During its investigation of anti-war

Foreign Aid

Foreign aid has fallen upon bad times. In President Johnson's aid proposals to Congress last month, he called for emphasis

The Harvard Review

The Summer-Fall issue of The Harvard Review-- a collection of essays, book reviews, and relevant speeches--illuminates some of the contradictions

New Towns

Cities have historically responded to population growth by expanding their limits or overflowing into adjoining suburbs. Within the past few
