

Maxine S. Pfeffer

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Sticks and Stones

When students heard last spring that the visiting committee to Afro-American Studies might recommend demoting Afro-Am to an interdisciplinary committee,

Visiting Committee Report Recommends Changing Afro-Am to a Committee

The Afro-American Studies Department should be changed to an interdisciplinary committee, the visiting committee to the department recommended in a

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In a preliminary determination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission found "reasonable cause' to believe that the University discriminated against Ephraim

RUS Advises Full Divestiture, Will Petition Horner, Lyman

The Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS) last night voted unanimously to support total divestiture of all Harvard and Radcliffe stock

Student Centrex Directories Are Out Week Early

Although the University Printing Office distributed Centrex Telephone Directories one week earlier than it did last year, students expressed dissatisfaction

RUS Gives Money To Organizations Geared To Women

The Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS) last night unanimously approved the recommendations of its committee on loans and grants concerning

Democratic Club Candidate Contests Election Results

Daniel C. Esty '81, who lost by one vote in last Sunday's Democratic Club election for vice president, is contesting

Democratic Club Changes Vote, Chooses New Vice President

The Democratic Club last night elected Brad F. Artson '81 vice president by a one vote margin, reversing October's election

Glass Talks About His Music

Avant garde composer Philip Glass, whose ensemble performed in Sanders Theatre Sunday night, combined tapes and questions in a discussion

Panel Speaks About Teaching Small Courses

"Small group teaching is distinctly bourgeois," Samuel H. Beer, Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, said yesterday at a
