

Bruce E. Ellerin

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Freshman Coat Fund Depleted

Students who need warm clothing, come from a warm climate, and seek financial assistance from the University for buying warm

Dressler Wins $35,000 Award For Research

David Dressler, associate professor of Biochemistry, last week received one of the 15 Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards annually presented to young

Official Talks About Study Of Resources

The chairman of the President's Council on Environmental Quality said last night the council is preparing a report that attempts

New Funds Sought For Athletic Site

Administrators will probably have to seek operating and construction funds for the Soldiers Field Athletic Complex from other University sources,

Sophomore Places First In Women's Chess Open

Andrea C. Eisenberg '80, a resident of Currier House, tied for first place last Sunday in the Massachusetts Women's Chess

Housing Office

The Housing Office will open at its new address, 7 Holyoke Street, on Monday and the office manager yesterday said

Tax-Tuition Aid

A Senate bill designed to help middle-income families meet the tuition costs of their children in private schools who are

Make-Up Testing Begins

Some 391 students will get a second chance to take their finals for 169 courses taken last spring during three
