

Charles F. Sabel

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Getting Off Without a Conviction: Harvard's Killings in the Market

The pretence that society is regulated by eternal, iron laws applying to particular areas is finally revealed for what it

Alan Heimert: The 'Idea' at Eliot House

A LAN HEIMERT is everything he is incidentally, in his spare time and a bit against his better judgment. At


The Gilbert and Sullivan Players have mounted a thoroughly banal version of Ruddigore at the Agassiz. That the show is

Women Beware Women

L AURENCE SENELICK'S production of Women Beware Women is as fluid and incisive as the history of his work suggests

Princess Ida

Princess Ida is typical Gilbert and Sullivan, stereotypical in fact. After the play opened at the Savoy in 1884, Sullivan

The Master Builder

Somewhere in the commodious vaults where dwell the souls of playwrights dead and gone. Two figures, faces wreathed in mist,

The Concept of Ideology

G EORGE Lichtheim has collected a number of his essays and reviews, composed over the last four years for various


Like previous numbers, the current issue of Mosaic is as professional as anything produced by undergraduates at Harvard. My only

Toys in the Attic

Leland Moss's production of Toys in the Attic is a willful distortion of a medicore play. But by the mysterious


The advance notices were not misleading. The production of Patience which opened at Agassiz last night is an uninterrupted delectation

TOPICS: George and Spain

W HEN I knew George during the summer the rich people had all left Madrid for the beaches so his

The Dybbuk

Sad to report, what was exorcised at the Loeb last night, was the fragile magic of S. Anski's The Dybbuk.

The Troubled Politics of Berlin

Heinrich Albertz was mayor of Berlin for somewhat less than a year. He is, by all reports, an affable man:


Swanwhite , Strindberg's little joke on the Medieval romance, was produced at the Ex this weekend. It was the most


Three generations of North End Italians have hung out in Mazza's Pool Room. Friday nights after the Hub Lanes down
