

Alice VAN Buren

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God, Marx, and the Funnies, or ... Playing Havoc with the Party Line

D IALECTICS and wit make such excellent bedfellows. It suggests a major oversight in the matchmaking sector of Absolute Mind

Sigmund Freud's First Lady

I N TERMS OF whom she knew, Lou Andreas-Salome was Germany's Gertrude Stein. The roll call of her associates is

The Mad Prince of Privilege

H ERALDED AS A SATIRE of the British upper classes, The Ruling Class satirizes, but in a very broad sense.

Three Dogs With a Spoiler

I F Joe FLAHERTY had managed Mailer's mayoralty race as well as he manager words, New York might have reeled

The Fiction of Lessing's Politics

Either Doris Lessing's much proclaimed vision has tired and gone limp, or, it has been overrated from the start. With
