

Diana L. Ordin

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The 'New Leftniks': Opposition in Israel

( This is part II of a two-part feature. ) MOST Israelis like their government. They like it because they

War With the Arabs-An Israeli View

(The author traveled in Israel this spring on a tour for student journalists, sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism.

Israel After the War: A Sociologist Views His Country

H EBREW University in Jerusalem is just like Harvard except that there are slightly fewer Americans, it rains less, the

Marine Stays in Chapel; Faculty Postpones Action

A group of Harvard SDS leaders late Sunday night rejected a proposal to set up a second sanctuary on the

Divinity Faculty Asks Aid for War Resistors

The Faculty of the Divinity School has unanimously adopted a statement calling for funds to aid the eight Divinity School

There's Nothing Dead About The Dead Sea Scrolls That A Lot of Money Couldn't Cure

Early in 1947, a young Bedouin boy was herding sheep or smuggling goods across the Jordan River, both of which

Div. Faculty Meets, But Keeps Silent

The Divinity School Faculty met yesterday afternoon, but no one would say whether it decided to support the eight Divinity

Div. School May Finance Draft Resisters' Defense

The Faculty of the Divinity School will probably vote next week to give financial support--and possibly sanctuary in the School's

RGA Will Debate Plan to Exclude Administration from Membership

The Radcliffe Government Association is considering a plan to exclude members of the college administration from its membership. Technically RGA

Doctors Tell Freshman Cliffies Mental Dangers of Heavy Pot Use

Three Harvard psychiatrists told Radcliffe freshman this week that "a single experimental joint" of marijuana may not be "serious," but

Drug Discussion Required for All

Compulsory meetings for Radcliffe freshmen on the effects of marijuana and LSD will be conducted by three Health Center psychiatrists

Radcliffe Revamps Rules, Changes 'Signout' Hours

A new set of social rules abolishing evening signouts for most Cliffies was approved by the Radcliffe Government Association last
