

James D. Blum

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The Thieu Regime-Great Expectations

M ANY SOUTH VIETNAMESE opponents of the Thieu regime were skeptical of the American rationale for negotiations. They could not

Grad Student Says Vietnamese Women Are Independent

"Vietnamese women have always done what in America is thought of as man's work," Hue Tam Ho Tai, a third

Kissinger Discloses Snag In Vietnam Peace Talks

Presidential adviser Henry A. Kissinger '50, confirmed Saturday that the United States and North Vietnam have not yet reached an

McGovern Outlines End To Vietnam Involvement

Senator George McGovern presented a seven point plan to end U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war in a nationally-televised address


Worsening relations in recent years between Japanese and U.S. corporations have revealed flaws in the work of U.S. attorneys based

A Portrait of Grief and Pride

O ne of President Nixon's top-ranking advisors predicted last week that the North Vietnamese and their allies now fighting in
