

Steven V. Mazie

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COLLEGE FEST 1992: A Weekend From Hell

W e saw the first ones on the T. Gumchewing, eye-shadowed, Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt-clad intrepids from places like B.U.,


L istening to Automatic for the People, R.E.M.'s ninth album, you get the sense that the band has grown up

R. E. M.

Listening to Automatic for the People, R.E.M.'s ninth album, you get the sense that the band has grown up a

Schwing Precincts

T ake Nick's Beef and Beer Haus, remove the log appointments from the wall-mounted red flame lamps, add orange vinyl-backed


S ONIC YOUTH'S LATEST ALBUM, Dirty, probably won't be very popular at Harvard. It's brash. It's loud. It's unconventional. And

Groping for Luna2

The haunting, subdued bass line that introduces Lunapark, Luna2's excellent debut record, establishes a unique tone--relaxed but urgent, lazy but

Safari Sagoodi

Safari, the latest E.P. from the Breeders, is a tantalizing glimpse of things to come for this quirky young band.

Re-Opening the Debate

F OR MORE THAN 40 years, on the first day of exam period. The Crimson has devoted its Opinion Page

Send Green to the Old Reds

I F YOUR NAME were Vasily Gusov, you wouldn't be so happy these days. You'd be living in a place

Harvard Loses Another Star

"I WON'T BE HERE FOREVER." When Mark A. Peterson came to Cambridge in 1985 to become an assistant professor in

Waffling in the Granite State

W ITH the New Hampshire primary only 15 days away, voters in the Granite State remain a remarkably undecided bunch.

Tricky George

O N THE EVE of his reelection campaign, President Bush has a serious image problem. This time it's not the

It's Your Fault, George

A S ANY contender for the Democratic presidential nomination would tell you, George Bush's first term as president has been

No Place to Go

W ELCOME TO ISRAEL. You're a Soviet Jew and you've finally made it to the Promised Land. You have endured

I'm Not Reading

I T'S READING PERIOD again, and I'm not reading. It's spring, it's warm and finals don't start for two weeks.
