

David E. Sanger

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Carter's Better Half

J OHN NANCE GARNER, who may have made less of an impact on American politics than any high ranking U.S.

HEW Releases Draft of Audit Following Request of Congress

In an apparently unprecedented action by federal officials yesterday, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) released the full

Getting Down To Business

In 1925, Calvin Coolidge, not reknowned for his economic acumen, said, "The business of America is business." Fifty-four years later,

Democrats in the State of Nature

T HREE YEARS AGO, when Birch Bayh, Morris Udall, Jimmy Carter, Henry Jackson, and a host of other Democrats tramped

Democratic Club Elects Officers In Stormy Meeting Last Night

The Harvard Democratic Club elected a new slate of candidates last night after a stormy meeting. The four candidates elected

Overdue Audit Remains Months Away

A Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) audit of $225 million in federal funds spent over a three-year period

Spotlight on Rosovsky

It was an opportunity to act out a favorite academic fantasy: an hour-and-a-half to interrogate Dean Rosovsky on the touchy

Nieman Fellow Avoids Farber's Plight

The Supreme Court's refusal Monday to review a contempt citation against The York Times and its reporter, Myron Farber, for

Newsstands Sell Times Rapidly As Readers Hail End of Strike

Readers of The New York Times yesterday celebrated the end of the New York newspaper strike with an enthusiasm usually

New College Funding Plan Divides Silber, Educators

A bill pending before Congress that would radically change the methods of financing higher education in the United States has
