

Heather M. Leslie

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Choosing Schools

More than a decade after it began, Cambridge's nationally touted controlled choice program has yielded both successes and failures. While

License Commision Sets Penalties

Cambridge's License Commission has set penalties for the 15 package stores caught selling alcohol to underage, undercover constables during last

Vote on Bicycle Fine Delayed

Radcliffe Quad residents can rest easy, at least for now. The ordinance committee of the City Council voted last night

Clinton Must Achieve Change

President-elect Bill Clinton's success depends on his ability to challenge the Washington establishment, a panel that included a senior Clinton

City Celebrates AIDS Day With Condom Art Show

Brightly colored, beaded and shiny metallic condom artworks are on display this week at the Cambridge Cares About AIDS office

Biotech Execs Meet Reeves In New 'Open Door' Forum

Executives from Cambridge's biotechnology firms met at City Hall with Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves '72 and other Cambridge residents early

Hepatitis B Education Effort Targets Colleges

"Get the Facts. Then Get the Vax," exhorts the Hepatitis B Campus Prevention Program, a nationwide effort launched last week

GSD Stages Annual Phonathon

The Graduate School of Design plans to raise $80,000 to $100,000 during its annual phonathon beginning this Monday. The funds

E.O. Wilson Reads at The Inn

In a reading from his new book, The Diversity of Life, Baird Professor of Science Edward O. Wilson warned last

Richards Slams Reagan, Bush

Addressing a packed crowd at the Institute of Politics last night, Texas Governor Ann Richards decried the condition of American

Galleries Unite To Attract Visitors

In an effort to attract more customers, Harvard Square's are galleries are extending their hours and waging an unprecedented advertising

Congress Repeals Tax On Scholarship Money

The U.S. Senate on this week approved 70-29 a bill that includes a measure designed to repeal a 1986 law
