

Michael C.D. Okwu

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Art and Dance in New York

H is dancing partner reached up and placed the back of her hand on her forehead. "Is she mopping her

Undergrads Hospitalized After Car Accident

Four undergraduates were hospitalized overnight on Thursday following an automobile accident. Drunk driving charges have been filed against the driver,

MIT Asks for Help Funding ROTC; Harvard to Weigh $40,000 Request

MIT officials have asked the University to help fund the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program, which about 50 Harvard

Former CIA Official Recounts Agency's Atrocities Abroad

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has seriously threatened the political stability of certain Third World countries and is a major

Sign in Please . . .

After 34 years of ceremonial teas and dinners, the Lowell House guest book accepted its last entry this fall and

Gov. Dukakis To Enact First State Condo Conversion Law

After six months of tense negotiation with organized tenants and state realtors. Gov. Michael S. Dukakis Wednesday will sign into

Eight New Members to Join ACSR

The Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) will convene for the first time this year later this month, joined by

Prominent Physicists Debate Development of Space Weapons

Two world-renowned scientists who once worked together to develop the atom bomb squared off last night over the next development

New Police Observation Booth To Monitor Central Square

Sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, police officers will man an anticrime observation booth in Central Square, city

PBH Committee Will Launch Jog-A-Thon for the Homeless

An estimated 60 to 70 Harvard students will run in a jog-a-thon this Sunday to raise funds for Phillips Brooks
