

Marc Witkin

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Investigating Harvard

Back in 1973, Donna Napoli, a Harvard Ph.D. Italian, tried to get an assistant professorship in the Romance Languages Department.

Female Notables Attend Opening Of Women's Center

President Horner was on hand yesterday with about 100 other women to celebrate the opening of the Radcliffe-Harvard Women's Center

Law Professors' Views Mixed On Supreme Court Nomination

Harvard professors voiced mixed reactions yesterday to President Ford's nomination of Judge John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court seat

Officials Find H-R Groups Want More Coordination

The Office of Undergraduate Affairs has proposed the formation of an "umbrella" organization designed to coordinate the work of student

Radiation v. Masectomy

Several Harvard scientists have published research supporting the use of radiotherapy as an equally successful but less disfiguring alternative to

Journalism Fails To Find Answers, Hersh Complains

Seymour Hersh says he is bored with journalism. The New York Times reporter who investigated the My Lai massacre told

Freshman Register Drops Addresses

The Freshman Register will no longer contain students' home addresses because of a new University policy brought on by the

Quebec Jury Finds Defendant Guilty In Fogg Robbery

A man was convicted in Montreal Wednesday in connection with the theft of $3 million worth of ancient Greek and

Three Harvard Scientists Lead Call to Stop Nuclear Reactors

Three Harvard professors are among the sponsors of a declaration calling on Congress and President Ford to effect a "drastic

Pettigrew Says Coleman's Busing Views Are Unrelated To Desegregation Studies

James S. Coleman's recent statement in Boston that forced busing is causing a white flight to the suburbs "should not
