

Reay H. Brown

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Exams Required In Two Courses

Two Government professors are notifying all the students in their courses that they are presently "failing" and therefore cannot receive

Seven Houses May Turn Coed With Varied Male-Female Ratios

Dean May. chairman of the Committee on Coresidential Housing, said last night that as many as seven Houses could conceivably

Med Faculty Approves Joint Harvard-M.I.T. Health Care School

The Faculty of Medicine overwhelmingly approved Friday a proposal to establish a joint Harvard-M.I.T. School of Health Sciences and Technology.

Forbes Takes Sabbatical; Adams to Head Glee Club

F. John Adams '66, the conductor of the Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus, has been named the now conductor of both the Harvard

Pusey 6th Ivy Head To Quit Post Lately

President Pussy is the sixth Ivy-League college president to quit his position during the last two years. The presidents of

Student Picked by Dudley For New Rights Committee That Does Not Yet Exist

Dudley House prematurely elected a student representative yesterday to the Permanent Committee on Rights and Responsibilities-a body which does not

Medical Faculty Refuses To Pass Rights Statement

The Medical School Faculty refused Friday to accept an interim resolution on rights and responsibilities prepared by a student-faculty committee.

Pill- Periled Females Invited to Breakfast

No longer will dishevelled girls have to stumble out of Harvard Houses early in the morning with empty stomachs. The

Med Services Unaffected By Hospital Rating Loss

BCH Plans Changes Boston City Hospital's (BCH) loss of accreditation will not affect the services or medical student training programs

Stoned Soul Picnic

Thanks to a contracted mind and an expanded stomach, Richard T. Tarnas 72 Chewed up the competition along with 171/2

New Committee to Set Up Faculty Council Elections

Dean Ford has appointed a five-man Faculty committee to arrange election procedures for the new Faculty Council, approved last month.
