

Susan Cooke

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Beyond Bugs Bunny

A NYONE WHO THINKS that Tom and Jerry and the Road Runner represent the supreme achievements of the animator's art

Themes in Progress

M IDDLE AGE is often the period when an artist re-evaluates past accomplishments and seeks new directions. The struggle to

Fair Share Speaker Urges Support for Flat Rates

Voting yes on Question 7 on the up-coming November ballot would result in lower electricity costs for homeowners and small

Fewer Than 12 Listed to Head Med School

President Bok said last night he has narrowed the list of possible successors to Robert H. Ebert, dean of the

Private Fantasies

I N THE YEARS since Ben Shahn's widow donated 2000 of her late husband's photographs to the Fogg Art Museum,

Harvard, If You're Having More Than One

Many Lou Fackler '76 was carrying a large stack of books on the Ohio State University campus one day when

Low-Key Conducting

Shannon Hall is tucked behind Vanserg which is hidden in back of the Biological Labs. It's a long walk to

Subtle Intrusions, Reluctantly Portrayed

W HEN I WAS seven, I started a photo album. In it, I put pictures of my friends and relatives

Mysterious Jades Expressly From the Orient

G REAT ART collections, like great fortunes and empires, are often forged out of avarice, lust, tenacity and a craving

An Uneven Road

O LD JAPANESE proverb: There is more to drama than meets the eye. Unfortunately, neither George Hamlin, director of Narrow

A Thousand Pictures

Emerson ignored too much when he wrote, "There is properly no history; only biography." Nonetheless, it is true that there

The Eye of Paris

I N 1930 HENRY Miller dubbed Brassai "The Eye of Paris." Nearly forty years later, long after the obscure young

Photography of the Future

H ENRY HOLMES SMITH, professor of photography at Indiana University, friend of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, renowned avant-garde photographer, and an explorer

Deception Unravels Deceit

A S THE applause for the Trinity Square Repertory Company's superb production of Israel Horowitz's Alfred the Great dies down

The Union of Fine and Practical

L INE, COLOR, texture are among the artist's most basic tools. Usually they are means to the ends of representation,
