

Mike Kendall

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Hull, Mass.: Shelter From the Storm?

Mother Nature had declared war and in so doing she left the nearby town of Hull a scarred battlefield. Until

'I knew I was a winner. I just had it in me.'

I came in second, on grounds that I was not defined enough, not perfectly developed. I was just the biggest,

A Malthusian Fantasy

L IKE A DYNASTIC line that weakens with every succeeding generation, Frank Herbert's latest work, The Dosadi Experiment, owes its

Arms for the Rich

The Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to Lockheed by Anthony Sampson The Viking Press,$12.95,340 pages. A LFRED NOBEL was a brilliant

An Abandoned Ship

A .O. HIRSCHMANN'S Exit Voice and Loyalty examines two ways of encouraging and circumventing dissent by artificially controlling the options


Joe "Tail Gunner" McCarthy nicknamed Harvard the "Kremlin on the Charles," but once all the midwestern farmboys arrive in Cambridge,

The Politics of Spite

S EVENTY YEARS AGO Boston consisted of several petty fiefdom controlled by ward-level political machines. Martin "Mahatma" Lomasney in the

A Reviewer is Bored

T HE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE are useless but always around. Promoters place plastic images throughout the media, tantalizing Mary Q. Housewife

Sweet Revenge

T HE OLD Jeanette MacDonald-Nelson Eddy type of musicals are nauseating. You have probably seen those 40-year-old Hollywood bombs on

Duke and the Drivers

O VER THE PAST ten months Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis has done what many political experts thought was impossible.

Sympathy for the Devil

T HE EXPRESSION "political reform" has positive connotations: it implies increasing the responsiveness and integrity of the political system. In

Wilson's New Freedom

C RITICIZING the theories on crime of James Q. Wilson, Shattuck Professor of Government, is like dissecting an elephant: you

Rider on a Storm

" T HERE ARE THREE THINGS that make this country great: education, law 'n order and civil service...the liberal conspiracy
