

Robert Lunbeck

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The Classics: Still Loose Despite Tough Schedule

Success hasn't spoiled the Harvard Classics. Despite the increased competitive pressures form this year's upgraded schedule, each Classics player still

Over 160 to Stay In 'Warm Zones' During Vacation

More than 160 undergraduates and resident tutors will occupy House "warm zones" during Christmas vacation, according to a survey of

Harvard Classics Near Big Time In Third Season

The Harvard Classics is a spirited, unconventional, but decidedly relaxed club of basketball players who lack either the ability or

'Being From East St. Louis, You've Got Badness'

"I imagine I could be the smallest player in history," Henry Sandow, a senior halfback on the Harvard football team,

Lowell Takes Touch Football Title

Lowell House copped its second straight undefeated season in House touch football yesterday, salvaging a 13-13 tie when a late

Stu Haber: Harvard's Finest Juggler

Stuart Haber '78, three juggling clubs clamped firmly between his legs, blew on his hands, driving away the stiffness caused

Kirkland Downs 'Throp; Mather Rolls

In a battle of undefeated teams, perennial intramural tackle football champion Kirkland House, led by former varsity gridders Burrelle Duvauchelle

Little Calls for Support of Prisoners

Joann Little, the celebrated North Carolinan acquitted this summer of first-degree murder, brought an appeal for support for embattled prisoners

Dershowitz Blasts U.N.

"The United Nations has become an absolute pawn in the hands of the Arab countries," Alan M. Dershowitz, a law

Duehay Speaks at Faculty Club, Says City Needs 'Tolerance'

"We need people in public office who understand and are tolerant of the diversity of the community in which they
