

Georgia A. Hill

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B.C. Newspaper Renews Lease

The Heights, a Boston College student newspaper, last week signed a lease with the college that will allow the newspaper

Coles Honored

Dr. Robert M. Coles '51, professor of Psychiatry and Medical Humanities, will deliver the commencement address at Knox College and

Local Residents Oppose Schools Buying Property

Cambridge residents met last night to organize plans of action against Harvard and other non-profit organizations that are purchasing large

Premiere Society Show Closes Because of Personal Conflicts

The Harvard Premiere Society's two-year success, "Do It Yourself," will not be produced this year because the director left the

Adams Poll

A group of Adams House students is currently polling residents of the house on their opinion of the proposed Core

Nobel Prize Winner Leaves for Stanford

Kenneth J. Arrow, James Bryant Conant University Professor and Nobel Laureate, will leave Harvard in the fall of 1979 to
