

Dain Borges

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Ford's Puerto Rico Gesture

A MADMAN who stands in front of the Pieta with a hammer in his pocket isn't alone in wanting to

The Autumn of the Patriarch

I N THE AUTUMN of the Patriarch, the theme is once again solitude, this time that of the dictator of

Epiphanies of Struggle

T HE STRANGEST witness to appear before the Watergate Committee on summer television was Bernard Barker, charged with recruiting the

Toucans and Hurricanes

F ROM THE BEGINNING, the meeting of Europe and America was colored by illusions. Columbus retreated from the Orinoco delta

The Armies Accused

F AR TOO MANY American observers, impressed with the novelty of Salvador Allende's election and the thrill of an experiment,

Economic Crisis in Puerto Rico

A RECENT TIME article on Puerto Rico carried the obligatory and classic photograph of a Latin American city. In the

An Exile's View of Dawn

T HE STRANGEST witness to appear before the Watergate Committee on summer television was Bernard Barker, charged with recruiting the
