

Stephen S. Graham

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City Debates Med. Library Property Sale

Several Boston city officials seem to think that the University should be able to purchase the Martin School property on

Social Relations Dept. Drops Honors Generals

The Social Relations Department has adopted major revisions in its tutorial program, including the abolishment of the written general examinations

Corporation Approves Five Quincy Senior Associates

Five Faculty members have been named Associates of Quincy House, Master John M. Bullitt '41 announced yesterday. The appointments were

Lehigh Eleven Battles Crimson for Third Time

As the crowds stream down Bolyston Street and pour through the gates of the Stadium this afternoon an undefeated Lehigh

Soc. Rel. to Continue Non-Honors Tutorial

The Department of Social Relations will continue to provide compulsory tutorial for all Juniors this year, chairman Robert W. White

University Not to Seek Photos on Applications

The University will not require photographs from any applicants to the Medical School, the Law School, and the College this

Program Phase to End; Chemistry Gift Received

The Program for Harvard College hopes to close one phase of its three-part fund raising campaign by Dec. 21, Laurence

Anthro Dept. Initiates New Honors Plans

The Department of Anthropology has instituted several major revisions in its tutorial program, including the reestablishment of honors tutorial for

Freshman Applicants Increase 20 Per Cent

Applications for admission to next year's Freshman class have increased approximately twenty per cent over last year, David D. Henry

The Harvard Alumni Bulletin: Since 1898

In 1898, the same year that Galsworthy wrote his first book, and Harvard shut out Yale 17 to 0 in
