

Lisa Brown

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WHRB Conducts Fund Drive To Purchase Capital Equipment

WHRB, Harvard's student-staffed radio station, is beginning a drive this week to raise funds to purchase capital equipment and to

B-School Issues Placement Guidelines

The Business School recently established formal, sex-blind guidelines for its student and alumni placement services in response to a six-year-old

Acting Master

Robert J. Kiely, master of Adams House, will take a sabbatical next year, and an acting master will probably be

Guerrilla Theater

Trumpets, violins and kazoos in Kirkland House dining hall yesterday announced the final showing of a guerrilla theater production enacted

Candy Underwear

A man passing out free candy "underwear" in Harvard Square was arrested last Thursday night for violating Cambridge city ordinances

Secretary of HEW Reviews Guidelines For Buckley Law

Sections of the final regulations for implementing the federal law that gives students access to their school files are being

Two City Groups Probing Shootings Of Three Dogs

Two separate groups are currently investigating an incident Saturday in which two Cambridge policeman allegedly fired shots in the lobby

Indian Repression

Five Harvard Faculty members yesterday endorsed a statement expressing alarm at repression in India and calling for the reinstatement of

Chicken Sculpture

Paul Rotterdam, senior lecturer on Visual Studies, has removed his live-chicken-and-egg sculpture from Carpenter Center after the hen was stolen
