

Thomas A. Mullen

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Fear and Loathing (Loathing Anyway) In the County Court House

The new Cambridge Superior Court House, with its louvered windows, circular court rooms and 21 stories of tinted security glass,

Cambion Workers May Vote to Ratify New Contract Offer

Members of the electrical workers union local who returned to work without a contract November 8 after an unsuccessful seven-month

Names Beguile, Befuddle, Bedevil Harvard Doubles

There are students at Harvard who regularly receive letters and phone calls from total strangers, accept compliments for work they

Yale's Summer Term Is Not A Big Success

In 1973, Yale administrators proposed a mandatory summer semester modeled on Dartmouth's summer term, but protests from students and faculty

Speakers Call Nuclear Power Unsafe

Two volunteer members of Boston Clamshell, a group opposing construction of atomic power plants, attacked the nuclear power industry in

Schultze Delivers Godkin Lecture On Tax Incentives

Charles L. Schultze, former director of the federal budget bureau, began this year's series of Godkin Lectures last night by

Lowell House Plan Would Phase Out Most Single Suites

Single rooms--those rarities enjoyed mostly by seniors and Quad-dwellers--will become a bit rarer next year when Lowell House becomes the

Dining Halls Will Open Early Because of New Game Time

Most undergraduate dining halls will open a half an hour earlier than usual for lunch today, giving students the opportunity

Reaction Mixed Over Leverett Voting Mix-Up

Residents of Leverett Towers contacted last night displayed mixed reactions to yesterday's court ruling permitting them to vote in the

Premed Halloween

Halloween came early to the students of Nat Sci 5 when a masked man interrupted their class yesterday to distribute

Harvard Fills New Legislative Liaison Post

The man who is filling Harvard's newly-created post of director of government relations is a combat veteran from the demilitarized

CAR May Sue City for Right To Use Amps

The Harvard-Radcliffe Committee Against Racism (CAR) has threatened to sue the City of Cambridge for allegedly denying organizations the use

Columbus Not The First, Theorist Says

As Americans celebrated Columbus Day, a Harvard professor reiterated his belief that neither Columbus nor Leif Ericson was the first
