

Elizabeth Samuels

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Law Gives Students Access to Files. . . . . .And All That's Stored Within

Beginning in November students may be able to examine all school records kept on them within 45 days of making


"W ORDS, WORDS, words," one might moan, like Hamlet to Polonius, about George Bernard Shaw's Misalliance. Nearly three hours of

I Remember Mama

I N 1935, the same year that Clifford Odet's Awake and Sing! was first produced in New York, the author

Sad Tale for Winter

"T HOU METTEST with things dying, I with things new-born!" With this stirring line "The Winter's Tale" shifts from the

Just Dessert

B RAVER MINDS in our literary past have said that it is immoral, if not impossible, to divorce style form

Love Without Sex

W HILE EUROPE reeled in shock before Ibsen's drama of a woman who leaves her husband, the characters of Shaw's

Gov. Sargent Addresses Harvard Republican Club

Governor Francis W. Sargent said here last night that he was surprised to find a strike going on at Harvard

Freshmen Squeezed Into Claverly

With a minimum of controversy compared to last year's conflict over sex ratios, The Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life

The Pudding Greets Liza

In contrast to the sparse crowd that gathered to see Ruby Keeler last year, hundreds of determined fans came out

Lenny Gets A Postponement

Harvard, like an understanding professor giving a student a paper deadline extension, has arranged for Leonard Bernstein '39, Norton Professor

Bernstein Postpones Talks

Leonard Bernstein '39, Norton Lecturer, will deliver his six Norton lectures next Fall instead of in April as scheduled, but

State to Consider Loans to Students In Fall Elections

Massachusetts voters will decide this November 7 on the future of a state constitutional amendment which would authorize the Legislature

Heartbreak House

A FTER SEEING a production of Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, George Bernard Shaw said, "I feel as if I want

Friends' Slide, Tape Show Blasts Defense Contractors

A voice of an employee on the tape says "I never realized killing was such a practical product of our

Extreme Unction

In the autobiographical Long Day's Journey Into Night, Eugene O'Neill's fictional mother admonishes through her morphine haze: "It's wrong to
