

Richard Shepro

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Adams to Richardson

LONDON--They had Harvard night at the American Embassy here in early November. Bernard Bailyn, Winthrop Professor of American History, was

History as History

"I dispute in particular," said M. Dupin in The Purioined Letter, "the reason educed by mathematical study." Thinkers naturally espouse

A Case of Overhearing

A FEW YEARS ago Boston-based public prosecutor (now private lawyer) George V. Higgins, building on his experience with the acute

The Whispering Bulk of Sever Hall

The dark-red massiveness of Sever Hall stakes out a solid claim on the land beneath, in contrast to the make-shift

A Constant Snuggle

E NDING A MARRIAGE makes people reborn--but only in a tenuous way, Ingmar Bergman seems to say in his movie

Most Faculty Acknowledge Halloween

A door-to-door Crimson Halloween survey conducted last night revealed that 83.33 per cent of a sample of Harvard professors give

Coordinating The Arts Gets A Slow Start

The arts at Harvard became "coordinated" this year, with the appointment of Myra Mayman as Arts Coordinator. But it was

Embree Fails to Place at NCAA Finals

Clearing 7 ft. twice, Mel Embree nearly equalled the best high jumps of his career, but the competition at the

Bourgeois Bengalis

S ATYAJIT RAY's Apu trilogy, completed in 1958, was the first group of Indian films to gain attention in the

The Movies in Cambridge: Some Thoughts, Some History

W ITH NINE COMMERCIAL movie houses, a dozen or so college film societies, church groups, institute film festivals--old movies, some


Mamluk Architecture of Cairo is a collection of photographs by Fikret Yegul. They try to set the Mamluk buildings in


Memories of Underdevelopment, a Cuban film, is one of the most important political films made in recent years. Tupamoros was


A Thousand Clowns. "It's about this guy Murray, O.K. He runs this kiddie T.V. show. His 13-year-old nephew has all

The Sasquatch Cometh

L UMBERJACKS are known for telling tall tales, mostly about themselves. Every logging camp has its own exaggerations: Ask around

Brecht Before Brecht

T HERE's a man called The Pug-Nosed Man who appears one day in a bar and speaks only in interrogative
