

Stephen R. Latham

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Just a Little Daft

"One of the activities from which I derive particular pleasure is the doing-in of clergymen," says Jim Sheppe, smiling broadly.

Of Richard Goodwin, Galileo and Social Theory

R ICHARD GOODWIN IS writing a play. Every morning he drives from his house in the Concord woods to a

A Little Fame Every Day

Someone asked Mike Schubert in his junior year of high school whether he thought he'd grow up to be famous.

Unlocking the Files

Harvard collects an enormous amount of information about you. Your application to the College begins a vast process of fact-collecting

Magic and The Big Lie

At the core of every magic trick is a lie. When the silk has changed its color, when the chosen

More Than One Great Wall

The Chiang Kai-Shek memorial occupies several city blocks of space in the center of Taipei. Only a short walk from

Improving the Means of Production

President Bok's 1979 annual report--which he devoted entirely to a critical evaluation of the Business School--left the faculty and administration

B-School's Salmon To Occupy Newly-Created Retailing Chair

Walter J. Salmon, Kresge Professor of Marketing at the Business School since 1970, will be the first to occupy the

Once Upon a Corporation...

It is the age of the proportional profits elephant, the time of the corporate fable, when a format meant for


The Southern Africa Solidarity Committee (SASC) is sending $200 to the Zimbabwe Patriotic Front to help support the Front's national

'Casing Case Method Methods'

W HEN PRESIDENT BOK suggested last spring that the Business School should de-emphasize its use of the "case method," faculty

News Shorts

Jennifer R. Goodman of Cambridge and Thomas M. Doerflinger of Allston will receive the 1980 Bowdoin Prize for Graduate Essays

The B-School Makes Its Case

The Associates of Harvard Business School, a group of corporate alumni and advisers, came to the school's defense last week

Law Students File Suit Against Army

Two third-year law students filed suit Friday against the U.S. Army, charging that the use of taxpayers' money to pay

Bomb Threat Causes Clearing Of B-School, MIT Buildings

A bomb threat from a man who claimed affiliation with the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) forced the evacuation of some
