

Lisa C. Hsia

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Raising a Child to Krishna Consciousness

A child growing up in a Hare Krishna family experiences a radically different lifestyle compared to that of most American

Intricacies of the Art

A TTENDING A RETROSPECTIVE of an artist's work has a similar appeal as seeing old movies over and over again.

Fine Arts Professor to Leave, Takes Philadelphia Museum Job

Jean S. Boggs. professor of Fine Arts, will leave Harvard in January to become director of the Philadelphia Art Museum.

Academics Discuss Repression in Chile

Three Chilean academics said yesterday they thought talks held earlier this week with President Bok and Dean Rosovsky on current

The Year of the Horse

With lion dances, fireworks and displays of martial arts, residents of Boston's Chinatown ushered in the Year of the Horse

Women's Conference Educates Against 'Discrimination'

International Women's Day at Harvard next Saturday will feature a conference on "the national and sexual oppression of women" with

Professors Protest Dissident's Arrest

Four Harvard professors are among 220 European and U.S. physicists who sent a telegram to the vice president of the

Cambridge Socialist Group Seeks Student Donations

Members of The Haymarket Peoples Fund, an organization promoting equal distribution of political and economic power, met at Phillips Brooks

Sentimental Students Love Valentine's Day Romance

For one Harvard student, it was just another day of "the typical eat-study-sleep routine," but for the more sentimental, yesterday's

Drama Group Loses Power Over Loeb

The Faculty Theater Committee, which oversees the Loeb Theater, voted last week to revoke the power of the Harvard Dramatic

Wacker Says Food Poisoning Was False Alarm

Bacteriological tests of a possible food poisoning in Kirkland House Dining Hall last Tuesday have turned up negative, Dr. Warren

Yale Students Sue Over Discipline

Two Yale students who were suspended last month for participation in a dorm prank are suing the university for $25,000,

Freshmen Experience Homesickness

Although returning to school after Christmas is a joyous relief from the boredom of vacation for some, for many freshmen
