

J.c. Herz

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The House of Blues

M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. IT'S GRAND Opening night at the House of Blues, the brainchild of Hard Rock Cafe founder


R ecently, a friend of mine succinctly explained the difference between pornography and erotica: Lowbrows beat off to pornography. High-brows

News Books

I was running behind. One of my Norwegian rower buddies had caught me in Sanders and wouldn't let go of

Celebrating the Joy of Modern Arts

Book The Art of Celebration: Twentieth-Century Painting, Literature, Sculpture, Photography, and Jazz by Alfred Appel, Jr. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

Breakneck Beats

Last week, Trent Reznor took us 20 minutes into the future with his latest set of post-apocalyptic ditties, Nine Inch

Sinead: The Bald Soprano Swings

Am I Not Your Girl? Sinead O'Connor Chrysalis Records Let me get this straight: Sinead O'Connor, our favorite bald, Doc-Martened,

Of the "Not" Generation: Notes of an Alternative Music fan

Y esh, I used to like that group, you know before they went mainstream". "But they've only made one major

Live and Direct: Live Comes Through Loud and Clear on MTV's 120 Minutes Tour

C ontrary to popular belief, we are here in Boston to establish a personal relationship with two or three thousand

Skinny Puppy Howling at Your Door

F eeling apocalyptic lately? If the movie of your life is a dimly lit soundstage of pain, anger and alienation,

From Puppy Love to Rejection

I f all the hearts and flowers you sent on Valentine's Day are paying off and you need some audio

A Band With a Mission--and a Bus

H azel waits patiently outside T.T. the Bear's Club. At 36, she's no youngster, but she's a classic beauty and
