

Robert T. Garrett

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Knocking Them Off in New Hampshire

New Hampshire's quadrennial tourist boom that ended Tuesday produced more nays than yeas: Nay to California's troglodytic former governor, Ronald

'The People Have Spoken, the Fools'

Amid all the boredom that New Hampshire and the major presidential candidates generated Tuesday, there were generous moments of reprieve,

Harvard Finally Catches On

Spiro M. Pavlovich III, according to documents filed this week with a U.S. Magistrate's office in Boston, has fooled the

Blue Skies Over Georgia

"W M. S. CARROLL # 512" was waiting at the curb while the rush-hour traffic crept forward in the darkness

McCann, Live at Lowell, Instructs and Improvises

Les McCann inched up towards the front of the room, past a hundred tapping feet and a slightly smaller number

Hall Goes to Work

"At some point, if the national picture does not improve, changes in basic University programs may have to be considered,"

Patrol Probe Finds 'No Criminality'

The administration's special investigation into alleged payroll irregularities and mismanagement in the Student Security Patrol has recommended that no criminal

Blossoming That Got Out of Hand

When Stephen S.J. Hall, vice president for administration, launched another of his pet projects in the fall of 1972, everything

A Not-So-Model U.N.

It must have been quite a weekend. When more than 1400 high school students gathered in Boston December 12 through

Immunological Immunity: The Rosenfeld Case

W HEN A HARVARD team of biochemists lept into national attention in December with the announcement that their undergraduate co-worker

Teddy Chips In To an Expanding Political Review

The editors of the Harvard Political Review have national aspirations for their quarterly, 50-page, student-run journal, and last week they

Senate to Vote on Change In Files Law Procedure

The U.S. Senate will vote today on an amendment that would exempt letters of recommendation written before the end of

Two Harvard Doctors Testify Against State Abortion Law

A University Health Services gynecologist and a Medical School psychiatrist testified yesterday in Boston's U.S. District Court on behalf of

As the Coal Goes, So Goes Neutrality

Only a year ago, students climbed into cars, stepped aboard silver birds and otherwise stole out of Harvard environs with

The Bumbling Amendment Opens the Seals in 11 Days

Its official title reads "Section 438 of Public Law 93-380--Protection of the Rights and Privacy of Parents and Students." It
