

Philip E. Clapp

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Alumni Families May Not Get Seats at 1974 Commencement

The University Marshal's office may be unable to issue tickets for this year's Commencement to families of Harvard alumni because

The Indian Case Gose To Court

Boson attorney Daniel B. Bickford said Tuesday he had recommended to Massachusetts Attorney General Robert H. Quinn that Quinn seek

Nixon Administration Torpedoed Reform Bill, Kennedy Charges

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy '54 (D-Mass.) accused the Nixon administration Saturday of taking a "false public stand" on the issue

Energy Consumption Decreases In First Week of Conservation

Consumption of electrical power decreased 16 per cent and consumption of petroleum products fell 6 per cent in Massachusetts during

Mather Residents Will Petition Rosovsky for Additional Tutors

Students in Mather House will present a petition next week to Dean Rosovsky requesting an increase in Mather's budget for

Pass-Fail Hurts Grad School Chances

A recent nationwide educational survey indicates that students whose academic records include a large number of pass-fail courses are at
