

Douglas Nygren

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Harvard to Lease Idle Land to Poor For Nominal Fee

Harvard today will lease a parcel of land near the Business School to a group of Allston tenants who will

SWP Sues U.S. Government For Violation of Civil Rights

The Socialist Workers Party and the Young Socialist Alliance filed suit July 18 charging the federal government with violation of

Annual Giving Hits Third Record High, Gleaning $8 Million

Harvard announced yesterday that the University's nine "giving funds" received $8,431,729 in donations for the academic year 1972-1973. This sum

Boston Foreign Student Group Plans Meetings, Excursions

Whether you are a foreign student seeking friendship or an American student wishing to become acquainted with students from abroad,

Union Evaluates Pudding in Survey; Rice-Raisin Mixture Shows Poorly

A poll conducted by the University Food Service to register the reaction of students to a rice and raisin pudding,
