

Caroline C. Corbitt

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The Astronaut Farmer

While “The Astronaut Farmer” purports to be to be about the fulfillment of a man’s lifelong dream, it does more

Trading iBanking for a Pirate’s Treasure

To guarantee hauling in some serious booty, many Harvard students turn to investment banking or consulting. But for one recent

OFA Prizes Young Artists: Zoe M. Savitsky '07

Zoe M. Savitsky ’07 has the habit of saying “lovely”: Thursday morning is “lovely,” as well as Jack Megan, the

"Evidence" of a Breakthrough

Samuel D. Baum ’98 describes himself as “a short-order cook in a diner” when it comes to his current writing

A Southern Strategy for Democrats

If you are a Democrat, go and march on the White House in 2008. At least this is what authors

BachSoc Adds Variation in Tribute to Mozart

While one might expect the Bach Society Orchestra (BachSoc) to stick to its namesake composer or to fall into the
