

Mathieu D. S. Bouchard

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Citizens Clamor for Park in Place of Grad Housing

For Cambridge residents in the Kerry Corner neighbourhood, hopes of a green oasis on the corner of Grant and Banks

Civil War-Era Ash Tree Felled Amid Controversy

A tree no longer grows on Grant Street. The tree—which stood near Leverett Towers—was cut down yesterday after a report

Law School Set for Facelift

At long last, Harvard Law School has found the Northwest Passage. The uninviting garage that greets visitors to the northwest

Harvard goes Ultimate

While frisbee may bring to mind light recreation on grassy meadows, the Harvard Red Line Ultimate Frisbee team says they’re

STOP Discusses Immigration

Though Monday’s student walkout in support of undocumented immigrants drew hundreds of protestors to a rally in front of University

Service Pays Tribute To Law Student

Family and friends gathered in Harvard Law School’s Ames Courtroom last night to commemorate Shirin Shakir, a second-year Harvard Law

Still Psyched: Students Yet to Come Down From Self-Help High

Two months ago in these pages, Leon Neyfakh dissected the phenomenon of Harvard’s uber-popular feel-good course, Psychology 1504, “Positive Psychology.”

Economist Sen’s Son Raps About Injustice

Harvard professor Amartya Sen may have won a Nobel Prize for his work in welfare economics, but his son addresses

Keep the Clothes On, Says Dingman

A party sponsored by the First Year Social Committee (FYSC) was postponed this weekend following space concerns and complaints that

Islamic Society To Unveil ‘Islam 101’ Seminars

In the wake of the conservative weekly Harvard Salient’s publication of cartoons parodying the Muslim prophet Muhammad, the Harvard Islamic

60 Students Team-Up To Run For the Harvard College Marathon Challenge

The Boston Marathon may be more than a month away, but sixty members of the Harvard community are already racing

Harvard Spent $3.52M On Lobbying Since '98

Harvard spent $3.52 million between 1998 and 2004 on lobbying government officials, making it one of the top spenders among

Prof Uses Net To Aid Victims

Faced with confusion and inefficiencies in aid efforts after the earthquake that rocked South Asia, Kennedy School Assistant Professor Asim
