

Jessica A. Berger

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Barrett Seeks Islam’s ‘Soul’

I wouldn’t call myself an avid reader of non-fiction, and judging by the title, I wasn’t expecting Paul M. Barrett’s

West Side Story

Thursday, April 20-Saturday, April 22, Thursday, April 27-Saturday, April 29. 8 p.m. Cabot House Junior Common Room. Tickets available through

Unnamed photo

Spotlight: Nicholas N. Commins ’09

Even as a high school student, Nicholas N. Commins ’09 marveled at the idea of the Freshman Musical at Harvard.

To Bee or Not To Bee

Eye have a spell chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marks four my revue Miss steaks eye

Desdemona: A Play About a Handkerchief

Friday, Dec. 9, at 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10 at 2 p.m. and 8 pm. Adams House Pool Theater. $8

Shalimar the Clown

In the 398 pages that comprise Salman Rushdie’s latest novel, “Shalimar the Clown,” he carries us spellbound from Hinduism to

Religion Prof Narrates ‘Faith’

People of faith are often challenged to reconcile religious traditionalism with a desire for progressive action and modernism: Catholics who

Religion Prof Narrates 'Faith'

People of faith are often challenged to reconcile religious traditionalism with a desire for progressive action and modernism: Catholics who

Israel Travel Still Restricted

A recent State Department amendment to United States travel protocol downgrading its warning against travel in Israel ignited the hopes

'Murder at B-School' Hits Harvard Target

“B” stands for “Business” in Jeffrey Cruikshank’s murder mystery debut Murder at the B-School. And the serial murderer on the

The Homecoming of Matt & Ben

The debate over the respective values of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, Class of 1992—which is more talented, more bankable,
