

J.anthony Lukas

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Liberace and Old Lace

"I've never seen so many women in my life," grumbled a veteran Boston Garden ticket taker as he watched a

Plympton Peripatetic

A stone slab on Plympton Street attests to the age and tradition of Apthrop House, the fine old example of

Bunche Cites Discrimination as Liability

Racial discrimination is now America's greatest liability in international affairs, and for this reason, if no other, we must speed

Harvard First to Implement 1953 Blackmer Report

Yesterday's action by the faculty in approving the Advanced Standing plan marks the first stop toward implementing recommendations made in

State Secret

In State Secret, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. swaps his sword for a stethoscope and his cape for a trenchcoat, but the

Council Group to Meet On Reply to McCarthy

Representatives of 12 college organizations will meet tonight to frame a statement in response to recent charges by Senator Joseph


Tucked away in a little world of bricks and books, we often forget that beneath all our sophistication we are

Cohn Links Furry To N.J. Espionage

A possible tie between the war-time work done at M.I.T. by Wendell H. Furry, associate professor of Physics, and recently-uncovered

Masters Cut Parietals At Meeting Last Year

An informal agreement among house masters restricting parietal hours on football Saturdays has been on the books for at least

100 Business Students Miss Air Commissions

New indications of sweeping cuts in Air Force reserve commission opportunities for students appeared yesterday when 100 graduating Business School

Rainmaker Says He Stops Rain, Too

As an already soaked and soggy University yesterday sopped up more rain, a local rain-god held out hope that he

Group Infers Present Cell From Furry's Query Balk

Answers given by Associate Professor of Physics Wendell H. Furry before the House Un-American Activities Committee Wednesday left the impression

Smith Professor Bares 'Red Cell' Here in 30's

Congressional investigators seeking Communists in education turned their attention to the University yesterday, hearing the first of three witnesses testify

Counsel Says Committee Plans No Hearings Here

Chief Counsel Robert Morris of the Jenner Senate Internal Security Sub-committee yesterday flatly denied Friday's report that the committee plans

Miller Talks on Drama, Urges Shift in Theme

To press closer to high tragedy and away from pathos, towards "the man who knows something" and away from the
