

Lavea Brachman

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A Soviet Solution

W E AGREE WITH the majority opinion that Syria is the main stumbling block to foreign troop withdrawal from Lebanon.

The Land of Oz

A MOS OZ has fought in two Israeli wars, in 1967 and 1973. Now, at age 43, he is fighting

The Dudley House Quandary

"Exposure to the rest of the students is an integral part of the Harvard experience; and this comes through living

Transfer Students Urge Housing Policy Change

Four transfer students will send a letter this week to University Hall official protesting the recently instituted College policy of

Residents Have Mixed Reactions To New House Dues at Eliot

The Eliot House Command this week stood by its recent decision to enforce house dues by excluding non-paying residents from

For the Students, By the Students?

In the mid-1960's, any Harvard student who was an avid go-go hand fan could have been pleasantly surprised, upon attending

Running Interference

President Bok told his House masters last fall that from what he could see, undergraduates had lost some of their

Begin's Self-Destruction

W HEN YITZCHAK, a young Israeli soldier in the army reserves, returned this June from a backpacking weekend in the

Kirkland Mastership Still Open As Prime Candidate Declines

The search for a new Kirkland House master suffered another setback this week when the faculty search committee's main candidate

A Hard Task to Master

"Each House is intended to comprise as nearly as may be a cross section of the residential membership of the

Black Law Students Endorse African Liberation Day March

The Harvard Law School chapter of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) has endorsed a May 22 march to be

Law School Applications Increase

As graduate school application deadlines approach, the number of students applying to the Law School is up by almost 10

Business School Students Offer Help In Preparing Tax Forms

Low-income Boston residents struggling to prepare their tax returns are now receiving additional aid thanks to a new community outreach

Wellesley Women Wake House With False Fire Alarm

Unable to coax their male friends out of a Kirkland House room, three Wellesley women resorted to pulling a fire

Reagan Budget Cuts Hit School Lunches

The cost of student lunches in the Cambridge city schools has increased since the end of the last school year
