


University Health Services Donates To School in Haiti

Harvard University Health Services will be contributing $8,000 toward construction of a secondary school in Haiti.


Student Diagnosed With Tuberculosis

A Harvard undergraduate was diagnosed with tuberculosis by University Health Services several weeks ago, and roughly forty students at risk for exposure have been asked to submit to a TB skin test, according to information provided by UHS and the Cambridge Public Health Department.


Yale Student Takes His Life

On Tuesday evening at about 6 p.m., Yale University junior Cameron Dabaghi, an East Asian studies major from Austin, Texas, took his life by jumping from the top of the observation deck of the Empire State Building in New York City.

Student Life

UHS Student Health Assessment Undergoes Changes

University Health Services’ biyearly student health assessment—which was distributed to undergraduates last Friday via e-mail—has undergone noteworthy revisions since it was last administered in 2008.


Treating Transgender Needs

In accordance with the University’s non-discrimination policy, which was modified in 2006 to include gender identity, University Health Services decided to address the medical needs of transgender people with more equitable insurance coverage.


New Policy Covers Transgender Health

Gregory M. Sensing works at the Harvard School of Public Health. He goes to work, he goes home, he decides what to make for dinner and when to do the laundry. But for most of his life, he’s faced a struggle that something internal does not seem quite right.


More Intoxicated Undergraduates Treated at UHS

The number of undergraduate students seeking treatment for alcohol intoxication or poisoning at University Health Services is likely to rise for the second straight academic year.



Undergraduates between 18 and 24 years of age flocked to UHS yesterday after receiving an e-mail announcing that H1N1 vaccines are now available to all students within that age group.

Student Life

Experts Discuss Drug Cocktail

The family of John B. Edwards III ’10 filed a wrongful death suit against Harvard and two UHS professionals last week, alleging that Edwards’ doctors negligently prescribed the young man a cocktail of four drugs that contributed to his suicide in November 2007.

Student Life

Family Sues Harvard Over Son’s Suicide

The family of a Harvard undergraduate who committed suicide two years ago filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Harvard College and two professionals at University Health Services on Wednesday.

Student Life

Family Sues Harvard Over Son's Suicide

The family of a Harvard undergraduate who committed suicide two years ago filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Harvard College and two professionals at University Health Services on Wednesday.


UHS May Not Get Full Vaccine Order

University Health Services announced Monday that it is unlikely to receive all of the 15,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine it requested, although UHS received a small shipment of the vaccine this week.


Swine Flu Vaccines Are Here! For Some People...

Hoping to get vaccinated against swine flu? UHS just announced that they've recently received a new shipment of H1N1 vaccines.


UHS To Provide H1N1 Vaccines


The UHS Urgent Care Center
On Campus

The UHS Urgent Care Center

Nothing kills a party like alcohol poisoning or a fight. But nothing kills a weekend like having to descend into the UHS Urgent Care Center to get it all patched up.
