
The Harvard Monday Gallery Presents "surfacing"

Courtesy of The Harvard Monday Gallery

Art lovers, rejoice! From Nov. 26 to 28, the Harvard Monday Gallery presents "surfacing." The galley, which opened in March of 2012, is an exhibition space operated by students in the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies and exists to provide undergraduates majoring in VES with a venue for exhibiting their artwork.

Kayla A. Escobedo '13, a curator for "surfacing," explained that the works displayed were chosen according to quality rather than adherence to a chosen theme. "This semester we had an open call for submissions, and we discovered the show by choosing interesting work," Escobedo said. "We don't try to directly connect the works to one another, but we hope the title will spark some interest in its potential meaning and relation to the show."

The opening reception for "surfacing" will run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday night, with continued viewing hours from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Harvard Monday Gallery is located at 6-8 Linden Street.


