
The Full-Court Press: Max Eliot '13

Published by Madeleine Smith on September 15, 2010 at 10:11PM

Here in the Northeast, where people are obsessed with hockey and other frozen sports, water polo doesn’t quite get the attention it deserves. But as sophomore Max Eliot proves in this interview, Harvard’s water polo team has got just as much going on (and wants to beat Brown just as badly) as any other Crimson squad. Every week, The Full-Court Press will give you the sort of personal scoop that you’re not likely to hear at a typical press conference.

Name: Max Eliot

Year: 2013

Stats: Eliot made his mark during his freshman season as Harvard’s fourth-highest scorer with 25 goals and was named the CWPA Rookie of the week three times. He has also scored a goal in each of his three collegiate matchups against George Washington, including the game-winner in the last minute of play in Sunday’s 9-8 win over the Colonials at the Princeton Invitational.

1.Typical pre-game meal.

Whatever looks good in the dining hall that isn’t really fatty or loaded in grease. I always try to have some rice or pasta for carbs too.

2. List four songs you listen to before games to get pumped up.

Whatever is in my recently played list on my iPod which is generally a lot of electronic music. One song I always listen to right before I get in the water is “Put On” by Young Jeezy.

3. Favorite team to play against and why?

Definitely Brown. They are our biggest rival, so it’s always a good game when we play them. Plus there are four guys on their team from my high school so I always really want to beat them.

4. Most ridiculous thing that has taken place in your team's locker room.

No Comment.*

*Editor’s Note: We’re pretty sure we’re never going to get a straight answer for this one.

5. Most embarrassing moment you've had in the pool.

When I was 12, I was swimming down the pool in a game, and a player from the other team grabbed my suit to pull me back. Unfortunately for me, instead of pulling me back the other player managed to pull my suit down to my knees. I guess you could say that I learned to tie my suits tightly the hard way.

6. Animal that best represents your style of play and why.

Great White Shark. I’m fast, I’m strong and I’m big in the water. Plus I’d like to think that the other team is afraid of me.

7. Most ridiculous thing you have heard a fan yell at a game you were playing in.

Meatloaf. Enough said.

8. If you could play for another sports team at Harvard, which would it be and why?

Lacrosse because I need an excuse to wear pinnies and grow sick flow.

9. Position you would play in Quidditch.

Chaser because I score goals.

10. If you could go on a date with any professional athlete, who would it be and where would you take him/her?

I would take Amanda Beard to In-N-Out. It’s all about the Double Double plain with animal style fries.
