FM Heroes: Where Are They Now?

Gossip Guy Then: “Recognizing FM standards, this column will feature snarky lies, self-aggrandizing rumors and un-sourced, assumption-heavy innuendo....”

Rina A. Onur ’08

Then: Flaunting it as one of FM’s 15 Hottest Freshmen in 2005.

Now: Still not over it, writing about FM (inaccurately, we might add), in “The Ivy,” her series of young adult novels with classmate Lauren E. Kunze ’08. But is her “Turkish ass” still her best asset?

Gossip Guy

Then: “Gossip Guy was sad, then panicky, then euphoric, then horny, then bloody, then, ultimately, accepting of the fact that this is FM’s final issue under present management. In honor of the soon-to-be dearly departed, the Guy is proudly somewhat ashamed to present a special FM-only Gossip Guy. Recognizing FM standards, this column will feature snarky lies, self-aggrandizing rumors and un-sourced, assumption-heavy innuendo....”

Now: “Wakey-wakey, Upper East Siders.” Post sex change, rocking the CW. And when we say rocking, we do in fact mean narrating television’s lowest-rated network show.

Amit R. Paley ’04

Then: Breakin’ stories. Paley was the first to find forgotten records and publish a series on Harvard’s “Secret Court” of the 1920s. Paley also exposed two students’ $100,000 embezzlement from the Hasty Pudding Club.

Now: The Court has come and gone on Broadway in “Unnatural Acts,” and Paley made his way to The Washington Post, where he reported on the equally fascinating subjects of bailouts, loans, and Sallie Mae. Then he became a management consultant and an adjunct professor of journalism.

D. Patrick Knoth ’11

Then: What do magazine chairs write about? Four Loko: “Like flip flops, Nalgenes, dreadlocks and other college trends, I simply do not understand our campus’s current obsession with this vile liquid. Where are you possibly going tonight that your chances of obtaining more alcohol are so slim that you MUST consume the equivalent of four beers and an energy drink all at once?”

Now: Consulting. But, we hope, still championing the windbreaker on his off days.

Amelia E. Lester ’05

Then: Defending the Land Down Under against its domestic aggressor: Ugg boots.

Now: Acting as Managing Editor of The New Yorker, using her free time to contribute bougie restaurant reviews. Tweeting.

Alexander J. Ratner ’11

Then: Partying at Tufts. “Other than the snotty, wealth-fattened Final Club Fauntleroys who didn’t really get into Harvard, at least not academically, the boys at Harvard are straight up disasters. Or at least the kind of boys at Harvard who would write this article are straight up disasters.” Thanks, Gawker.

Now: Partying in Puerto Rico, more than a $15 cab ride away.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:


An earlier version of this article stated that Amit R. Paley ’04 was a reporter for The Washington Post. In fact, Paley is a former Washington Post reporter.