Reasons to Come to Harvard

Just as professional sports teams attempt to woo the best draft picks of the season (read: million dollar salary) so ...

Just as professional sports teams attempt to woo the best draft picks of the season (read: million dollar salary) so too do colleges engage in the elaborate courtship of promising high school recruits (read: Winter Wonderland Brunch). Here are some of the select reasons Harvard provided on

—“It’s way less nerdy than your safety school.”

—“Your resume will say Harvard on it.”

—“Four burrito places, one square.”

—“Getting to drop the ‘H-bomb’ to all your friends at home.”

—“Free Wu-Tang Clan concert right outside your door.”

—“Your professor probably wrote the textbook used in your class (and your friends’ classes at other schools).”

—“Companies want to hire YOU.”

—“Dollar bills—twenty-six billion of them.”