Jukebox: Bus Songs

With Harvard playing at Yale this weekend, the easiest method of transportation is by student-organized shuttles. We hope you’ll use this six-hours round-trip to better appreciate all things in, on, or around buses. Whether they inspire you, instruct you, or simply make the time go by faster, each of these songs will make the journey to and from America’s number one safety school a little bit better.

With Harvard playing at Yale this weekend, the easiest method of transportation is by student-organized shuttles. We hope you’ll use this six-hours round-trip to better appreciate all things in, on, or around buses. Whether they inspire you, instruct you, or simply make the time go by faster, each of these songs will make the journey to and from America’s number one safety school a little bit better.

1. “Bus Stop Song” (from “Sesame Street”) by the Four Tops

Spell out “Bus Stop” in song while wearing metallic crayon blue suits with your three best friends. If you’re as lucky as the Four Tops, Big Bird will be the driver of your imaginary school bus, all of the way to the Dirty Have.

2. “Get on the Bus” by The Doodlebops

A Wiggles-esque inspirational number about how wonderful it is to get on the bus. A close reading of the chorus—“Get on the bus / Get on the bus / Get on the bus / Get on the bus / ...”—reveals the complex yet simple joys of getting on the bus, getting on the bus, getting on the bus, getting on the bus.

3. “Get on the Bus” by Busdriver

Same idea, but this one’s X-rated. Also funktastic. “In the driver we trust”—there are so many layers to that metaphor.

4. “Wheels on the Bus” (Traditional)

Can you sing this song for three hours straight? There’s one way to find out.

5. “We Like to Party! (The Vengabus)” by Vengaboys

Stuck for a way to get to Yale? Continuously perplexed about     the Vengaboys’ favorite pastimes? This is the song for you.