Adams, Lowell, Quincy

ADAMS Zachary C. Sifuentes ’97 Resident Tutor FM: What’s your favorite thing about Adams House?


Zachary C. Sifuentes ’97

Resident Tutor

FM: What’s your favorite thing about Adams House?

ZCS: The people. The tutors get involved, the House Masters get involved, but even people like our security guard will participate in things like Drag Night. Our dining hall manager participates in IM sports. He actually just broke his thumb playing IM sports.


Patricia L. Villarreal

Resident Tutor

FM: What makes Lowell stand out above other Houses?

PLV: The location is the best. Our courtyards are by far the nicest. It’s the best because we’re not on the river, but we are close enough to Harvard Yard. But actually a House—not like Adams...the structure of Adams is a bit strange because it was sort of built upon aggregated things. So we are the only “house” House that has that.


Michael Charles

Dining Hall Worker and Card Swiper

FM: Why does the staff like working in Quincy?

MC: We’re always here for you, here to talk to you. You’ll get along with us as well as with your fellow Quincy House peers. Our House Masters are great, so it takes a little bit of pressure off for you to just get your work done and feel good about yourself.